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1 | ከአድማስ ባሻገር by 3.52 avg rating — 617 ratings | Rate this book |
2 | ፍቅር እስከ መቃብር by 3.89 avg rating — 532 ratings | Rate this book |
3 | የተቆለፈበት ቁልፍ by 3.68 avg rating — 397 ratings | Rate this book |
4 | እመጓ by 3.94 avg rating — 329 ratings | Rate this book |
5 | ትኩሳት by 3.62 avg rating — 687 ratings | Rate this book |
6 | ኦሮማይ by 3.93 avg rating — 292 ratings | Rate this book |
7 | ከአሜን ባሻገር by 3.76 avg rating — 244 ratings | Rate this book |
8 | ሰመመን by 3.82 avg rating — 303 ratings | Rate this book |
9 | ሌላሠው by 3.91 avg rating — 178 ratings | Rate this book |
10 | Dertogada by 4.18 avg rating — 274 ratings | Rate this book |
11 | አልወለድም by 3.73 avg rating — 173 ratings | Rate this book |
12 | ቆንጆዎቹ by 3.79 avg rating — 171 ratings | Rate this book |
13 | ደራሲው by 3.91 avg rating — 107 ratings | Rate this book |
14 | አራቱ ኃያላን by 3.60 avg rating — 65 ratings | Rate this book |
15 | እሳት ወይ አበባ by 4.23 avg rating — 79 ratings | Rate this book |
16 | ግራጫ ቃጭሎች by 4.11 avg rating — 96 ratings | Rate this book |
17 | እንቅልፍ እና ዕድሜ by 3.57 avg rating — 124 ratings | Rate this book |
18 | የልምዣት by 3.77 avg rating — 75 ratings | Rate this book |
19 | የቀይ ኮከብ ጥሪ by 3.87 avg rating — 87 ratings | Rate this book |
20 | መግባት እና መውጣት by 4.09 avg rating — 97 ratings | Rate this book |
21 | ሌቱም አይነጋልኝ by 3.75 avg rating — 135 ratings | Rate this book |
22 | ልጅነት by 4.24 avg rating — 80 ratings | Rate this book |
23 | መልክአ ስብሐት by 3.58 avg rating — 33 ratings | Rate this book |
24 | አደፍርስ by 4.24 avg rating — 37 ratings | Rate this book |
25 | የቡርቃ ዝምታ by 3.54 avg rating — 56 ratings | Rate this book |
26 | የተወጋ ልብ by 3.48 avg rating — 29 ratings | Rate this book |
27 | መረቅ by 4.16 avg rating — 55 ratings | Rate this book |
28 | አምስት ስድስት ሰባት እና ሌሎችም ታሪኮች by 3.98 avg rating — 86 ratings | Rate this book |
29 | እቴሜቴ ሎሚ ሽታ by 3.98 avg rating — 42 ratings | Rate this book |
30 | የቢሾፍቱ ቆሪጦች by 3.83 avg rating — 46 ratings | Rate this book |
31 | አንድ ለናቱ by 4.28 avg rating — 43 ratings | Rate this book |
32 | ወንጀለኛው ዳኛ by 3.68 avg rating — 53 ratings | Rate this book |
33 | ዙቤይዳ by 4.31 avg rating — 59 ratings | Rate this book |
34 | አለንጋና ምስር by 4.24 avg rating — 37 ratings | Rate this book |
35 | ይወስዳል መንገድ ያመጣል መንገድ by 4.43 avg rating — 44 ratings | Rate this book |
36 | ዐፄ ዮሐንስና የኢትዮጵያ አንድነት by 4.30 avg rating — 20 ratings | Rate this book |
37 | የኤርትራ ጉዳይ by 4.16 avg rating — 25 ratings | Rate this book |
38 | ትዝታ by 3.62 avg rating — 29 ratings | Rate this book |
39 | ጠጠሮቹ እና ሌሎች by 3.69 avg rating — 26 ratings | Rate this book |
40 | የሁለት ሐውልቶች ወግ እና ሌሎች by 4.03 avg rating — 31 ratings | Rate this book |
41 | የቃየን መሥዋዕት by 3.94 avg rating — 36 ratings | Rate this book |
42 | ስማችሁ የለም እና ሌሎች by 3.85 avg rating — 20 ratings | Rate this book |
43 | የደራሲው ማሰታወሻ by 3.68 avg rating — 47 ratings | Rate this book |
44 | ሰባተኛው መልአክ by 3.98 avg rating — 60 ratings | Rate this book |
45 | ዐፄ ምኒልክና የኢትዮጵያ አንድነት by 3.75 avg rating — 16 ratings | Rate this book |
46 | የቴዎድሮስ ዕንባ by 4.44 avg rating — 9 ratings | Rate this book |
47 | ስብሐት ገብረእግዚአብሔር ሕይወትና ክህሎት by 4.19 avg rating — 21 ratings | Rate this book |
48 | ፍቅር እዚህ ቦታ ፈገግ ብሎ ነበር by 3.79 avg rating — 33 ratings | Rate this book |
49 | አፍሮጋዳ by 3.22 avg rating — 9 ratings | Rate this book |
50 | ስብስብ ግጥሞች by 3.88 avg rating — 56 ratings | Rate this book |
51 | ምርኮኛ by 4.33 avg rating — 15 ratings | Rate this book |
52 | እኛ የመጨረሻዎቹ እና ሌሎች by 3.53 avg rating — 34 ratings | Rate this book |
53 | በራሪ ቅጠሎች by 4.19 avg rating — 75 ratings | Rate this book |
54 | አብዮቱና ትዝታዬ by 3.68 avg rating — 28 ratings | Rate this book |
55 | ዶክተር አሸብር እና ሌሎችም by 4.16 avg rating — 50 ratings | Rate this book |
56 | ማስታወሻ by 4.52 avg rating — 23 ratings | Rate this book |
57 | የህሊና ደወል by 4.19 avg rating — 52 ratings | Rate this book |
58 | የጋዜጠኛው ማስታወሻ by 3.52 avg rating — 42 ratings | Rate this book |
59 | መጽሐፈ ትዝታ - ዘአለቃ ለማ ኃይሉ ወልደ ታሪክ by 2.75 avg rating — 8 ratings | Rate this book |
60 | ኦቶባዮግራፊ by it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 7 ratings | Rate this book |
61 | ባርቾ by 4.04 avg rating — 23 ratings | Rate this book |
62 | ወሪሳ by 4.17 avg rating — 24 ratings | Rate this book |
63 | የበደል ፍጻሜ by 3.50 avg rating — 4 ratings | Rate this book |
64 | ረቂቅ አሻራ by 3.94 avg rating — 16 ratings | Rate this book |
65 | ሕማማትና በገና by really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 27 ratings | Rate this book |
66 | የአብዮት ማግሥት (ማዕበል, #3) by 3.88 avg rating — 8 ratings | Rate this book |
67 | አባቴና እምነቱ by really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 8 ratings | Rate this book |
68 | ድርሳነ ፖለቲካ - ፍልስፍናዊ እሳቤዎች by 3.50 avg rating — 10 ratings | Rate this book |
69 | የአብዮት ዋዜማ (ማዕበል, #1) by 4.30 avg rating — 10 ratings | Rate this book |
70 | ፍካሬ ኢትዮጵያ by 3.91 avg rating — 22 ratings | Rate this book |
71 | የመንጌ ውሽሚት እና ሌሎችም ውብ ታሪኮች by 4.12 avg rating — 17 ratings | Rate this book |
72 | የምሽት እንግዳ by 3.86 avg rating — 7 ratings | Rate this book |
73 | ግርዶሽ by 3.97 avg rating — 29 ratings | Rate this book |
74 | አልቦ ዘመድ by 4.37 avg rating — 19 ratings | Rate this book |
75 | የፍሬሿ ማስታወሻ by 2.92 avg rating — 13 ratings | Rate this book |
76 | አባ ደፋር እና ሌሎች አጫጭር ታሪኮች by 4.60 avg rating — 10 ratings | Rate this book |
77 | ባሻ ቅጣው by 4.40 avg rating — 5 ratings | Rate this book |
78 | የብርሃን ፈለጎች by 4.22 avg rating — 23 ratings | Rate this book |
79 | መቆያ by 3.50 avg rating — 4 ratings | Rate this book |
80 | ማሕሌት by 4.83 avg rating — 23 ratings | Rate this book |
81 | ትንሣኤ by 4.67 avg rating — 6 ratings | Rate this book |
82 | ከደንቢያ - ጎንደር እስከ ዋሽንግተን ዲሲ (ከደንቢያ - ጎንደር እስከ ዋሽንግተን ዲሲ, #2) by liked it 3.00 avg rating — 6 ratings | Rate this book |
83 | ተረት ተረት የመሰረት by 3.15 avg rating — 27 ratings | Rate this book |
84 | ብር አምባር ሰበረልዎ by 3.83 avg rating — 6 ratings | Rate this book |
85 | ጽላሎት by really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 7 ratings | Rate this book |
86 | ታሪካዊ ተውኔቶች by 3.88 avg rating — 8 ratings | Rate this book |
87 | ጠልፎ በኪሴ by 3.75 avg rating — 8 ratings | Rate this book |
88 | የቄሳር እንባ by liked it 3.00 avg rating — 14 ratings | Rate this book |
89 | የአብዮት መባቻ (ማዕበል, #2) by 4.25 avg rating — 8 ratings | Rate this book |
90 | አጥቢያ by 4.12 avg rating — 8 ratings | Rate this book |
91 | ደማሙ ብዕረኛ by liked it 3.00 avg rating — 3 ratings | Rate this book |
92 | ጉዞው by 3.12 avg rating — 8 ratings | Rate this book |
92 | ሉዓላዊነትና ዲሞክራሲ በኢትዮጵያ by 3.67 avg rating — 3 ratings | Rate this book |
94 | ጭጋግና ጠል እና ሌሎች by 4.33 avg rating — 3 ratings | Rate this book |
95 | ስም ከመቃብር በላይ by liked it 3.00 avg rating — 2 ratings | Rate this book |
96 | የመጪው ዘመን ቴክኖሎጂና ኑሮ by 4.60 avg rating — 10 ratings | Rate this book |
97 | መንገድ ስጡኝ ሰፊ by 4.33 avg rating — 12 ratings | Rate this book |
98 | ቄሳርና አብዮት by 4.38 avg rating — 16 ratings | Rate this book |
99 | የከፍተኛ ትምህርት ዘይቤ by 4.70 avg rating — 10 ratings | Rate this book |
100 | እምቧ በሉ ሰዎች by 3.78 avg rating — 9 ratings | Rate this book |
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ሊስቶፒያው የሚሰራው ያው በአጠቃላይ እዚይ ያሉ አንባቢዎች የሰጡትን የኮከብ ብዛት በማየት አማካዩን አውጥቶ ነው:: አንዳንድ ጊዜም የመጽሀፍቱ መኖር ብቻም ሳይሆን እዚህ አባል የሆኑ አንባቢያን በሚሰጡት ይሁንታም ይወሰናል ማለት ነው:: ድምጾች እኩል በሚሆኑ ጊዜ ግን በፊደል ቅደም ተራ ያስቀምጣቸዋል:: ለምትወደው መጽሀፍ ስሜትህን በኮከብ ማስቀመጥም አትርሳ ያን ጊዜ የምትወደው መጽሀፍ በሊስቱ ቁንጮነት ደምቆ እንዲጠብቅህ እድል ትሰጠዋለህ::
መልካም ንባብ::
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