Windows Installer Mysql

Windows Installer Mysql Average ratng: 8,2/10 2259 reviews

MySQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS). It has the most comprehensive set of advanced features and management tools which ensures the highest level of scalability, security, and reliability with no downtime. This guide will help you to install MySQL on Windows 10 with step by step walkthrough. There are different ways available to install MySQL in Windows 10, but we will follow the process using MySQL Installer. So, let’s get started:

Description: How to install MySQL Server, MySQL Workbench, MySQL Notifier and other tools on Windows 10. Includes discussion of the MySQL services, packages to download and steps to install. Install MySQL on Windows 10: After downloading the file, locate it on your computer and double-click to install. It will popup User License Agreement screen, accept the agreement and the install wizard will appear. Now, select the Custom option and click Next. Next screen will ask you to choose the products to install.

Downloading MySQL:

  • Step 1: Determine your Operating System whether it’s x86 or x64. To do that, press Winsows+X and click System. It will take you to the About page and you will see the system configuration.
  • Step 2: Go to the MySQL download page and click MySQL Installer.
  • Step 3: Scroll down the page and download the second installer file. You can skip the login/signup by clicking “No thanks, just start my download.”

Install MySQL on Windows 10:

  • After downloading the file, locate it on your computer and double-click to install. It will popup User License Agreement screen, accept the agreement and the install wizard will appear.
  • Now, select the Custom option and click Next.
  • Next screen will ask you to choose the products to install.
    • Expand MySQL Servers and select MySQL Server 5.x.xx
    • Expand Application, click MySQL Workbench and select workbench.
    • Click Documentation and select MySQL Documentation.
    • Click Sample and select Examples 5.x.xx
  • Now click Next and the installation process will start. It will take a while and when the process finishes, click Next.

Configuring MySQL on your Computer:

Windows Installer Mysql Server

You will need to configure the MySQL for the first time and once to make it usable. A Configuration Window will pop up.

  • Keep the Configuration Type as Development Machine and set the TCP/IP port as 3306. Now, check the Show Advanced Options and click Next.
  • Ignore the user tab and just put a strong password and click Next.
  • Click Next. Install MySQL as a Windows Service. This is the easiest settings to start, stop, restart MySQL and allow Windows to start MySQL when Windows starts.
  • Leave the advanced settings as it is and click Next to Execute. It will take you to the Product Configuration window.

Windows Installer Php 5.2 And Later

Installer mysql windows server

Mysql Windows Installer 5.7

  • Click Next. In the screen, click Check option, that enables the Next button.

Now, you can follow the next steps with default settings. Click Execute. This process will run all the necessary scripts to configure sample. If it is successful, click Finish.

Click Next. Leave Start MySQL Workbench after Setup checked. Click Finish. Workbench will start by itself in a few seconds

If you are at this point, you have completed the installation of MySQL on your Windows 10 Computer. Now, as the MySQL database has been installed, it’s already running on your computer. All you will need is to connect to MySQL database. You can use MySQL Workbench as a client to connect to MySQL. When Workbench starts, a connection to the local database will automatically be established.

Double-click on Local instance MySQL57 connection and type the root password you used back then to install MySQL to gain access to the server.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed MySQL on Windows 10 Computer.

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If anything goes wrong, check the error log. You can search the errors on Google or follow above steps to install MySQL on Windows 10 again!

How To Install Mysql Server

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- [Instructor] You can download the MySQL installer…for Windows from…At the bottom of this page, look for…the MySQL Community Edition, and click the Downloads link.…Then click the Download link under MySQL Community Server.…Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and you'll find…a link to the installer.…There are a few different versions.…I'm going to use the MSI Installer.…It says X86, 32-bit, but it actually includes…64-bit versions of both MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench,…the graphical interface for managing MySQL databases.…

I've already downloaded the MSI file to my desktop,…and I'll start it up here by double-clicking.…I'll go through the first few prompts until I get…to the Setup Type screen.…There are a few different setup types you can choose.…I'm going to show you how to do a minimal setup…that includes just the server and MySQL Workbench.…If you need other components, you can choose them…from the screen I'm about to go to.…I'll choose Custom and click Next.…Now, I'll drill down through the MySQL Server section,…