Motion Blur Software

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Motion blur is the effect of a fast moving object appearing blurred on the screen.And this happens optically in our eyes, and it also happens in a camera.So to get a more realistic rendering, youcan enable motion blur for fast moving objects.Like this sword and logo for example, so I'll scrub down hereto about frame 75 or so, and then select all the objectsand then right.

Motion blur can lend an aesthetically pleasing look to motion graphics and compositing projects. But what is it exactly, and why does it exist?

  • Using advanced sharpening techniques, in this tutorial, we will learn a super fast way to reduce the blur by correctly analyzing the image. First, we will start by understanding the angle of movement.
  • Photos can be priceless and it can be a cause of great frustration if you have taken a photo only to find it is blurred or out of focus. But all is not lost and there is software around that claims to reduce or even remove the blurring saving your photo. Here are 7 programs that may be able to help.

Top image: motion blur switch in After Effects.

If you’re even a basic After Effects user, you’ve probably turned on the motion blur switch for your compositions. It’s one of the first things that benefits your graphics in After Effects (or most other motion graphics or compositing programs) rather than just building a title sequence in Premiere Pro or your editor of choice.

Motion Blur Example: The left dot has motion blur and the right doesn’t

The ability to turn on motion blur now represents a one-click “improve” button that in almost all cases is a no-brainer. So why not use it all the time? While the visual effect of motion blur is pretty obvious from the get-go (it adds blur to motion), what started it, and why does it seem to improve the perceived look of our work?

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Title sequence from It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad World by the legendary Saul Bass.

From a motion design perspective, it’s interesting to think about how the art form began and how it has changed. In the opening title sequence animated by Saul Bass above (perhaps one of the greatest motion designers of all time), you can see that there is no motion blur on the movement.

Aside from the fact that motion design was done frame-by-frame with cartoon-style animation and a physical camera capturing each image, we now have the ability to use keyframes to create motion without ever touching a physical element by hand. As a result, we can create motion blur based on our own parameters that we set between keyframes, and we can alter those parameters however we want on a composition-by-composition basis.

What led to the idea of motion blur? Or the need for it?

Shutter Angle and Shutter Speed

Image via Shutterstock.

Motion blur as it relates to film and video is a result of shutter angle or shutter speed.

Shutter angle is the method of measuring the amount of time the sensor or film emulsion is exposed to the light that is creating the images that you see per frame. Picture the shutter as a 360-degree circle with the shutter angle representing a slice of pizza taken out of it. The higher the shutter angle, the longer the amount of time the film/sensor is exposed to light as the shutter spins. As a result, the shutter angle is the amount of time that the film/sensor will “see” the motion for that particular frame. This will create motion blur.

An illustration of shutter angle as it relates to shutter speed via

A different way of measuring the amount of time the recording medium is exposed to light is called shutter speed. The difference between shutter angle and shutter speed is that the latter is a measurement of how long the shutter is open per second. So, a shutter speed of 1/48th means that the shutter is open for one forty-eighth of a second. This method of shutter speed measurement is more closely tied to the photography world, but some digital film/video cameras can measure shutter in this way as well.

So, essentially, you could make the argument that this is the entire reason why motion blur exists. We’re used to seeing motion blur on moving pictures and images. It gives everything a more natural look because we’ve become accustomed to seeing motion this way as a result of the various shutter speeds of film and video. Also, of course, from a compositing perspective, motion blur is absolutely necessary to match your special FX elements to your live action elements.

Motion Blur Software

Famous early stop motion compositing work by Ray Harryhausen.

In early special FX examples, like the work from one of the Godfathers of movie magic, Ray Harryhausen, you can see that the benefits of motion blur were not yet available or fully realized. This results in some somewhat jerky and unnatural-looking motion on these famous creatures.

The Human Eye

Image via Shutterstock.

Believe it or not, the human eye also has something somewhat comparable to a shutter speed. Although the human eye does not have a “shutter” so-to-speak, it does have certain limitations as to the speed at which it can resolve light.

When it comes to shutter speed as a measurement, the human eye can detect flashes of light as short as 1/100th-second with relative ease, and in some specific cases and lighting conditions, it can go shorter than 1/200th-second, depending on ambient lighting and age/health.

As a result, the human eye sees motion blur. We naturally combat motion blur by focusing on single points in a rapid succession, but in our periphery and when not entirely focused, motion blur is present.


Phil Tippet working on The Empire Strikes Back (Image via Lucasfilm).

Perhaps the earliest version of motion blur being added in animation and compositing was a technique known as “Go-Motion”.

This technique was behind stop motion-animated sequences and essentially involved “bumping” the camera, table, or model during scenes where the model was supposed to be moving. This would create the look of motion blur. In some examples, filmmakers smeared vaseline or petroleum jelly on the lens in the direction of the motion frame by frame.

“The Cameraman’s Revenge” by Ladislas Starevich.

The Go-Motion technique is said to have been invented by Ladislas Starevich in the early 1900s. He started using the technique of bumping the set or the model while capturing frames. Known as one of the godfathers of animation, in some regards, he might be the inventor of motion blur altogether.

Go-Motion has also been used on some much more modern applications. Phil Tippet used the technique often while working on the stop motion animation in the Star Wars series. The technique featured heavily in the Hoth battle scene fromThe Empire Strikes Back.

The video above is an example of a test built by Tippet for the T-Rex effects in Jurassic Park, in which Go-Motion created a very convincing motion blur. They ultimately ended up going with a computer-generated T-Rex for this scene, but as you can see, using the technique, Tippet was able to create a really convincing T-Rex animation.

Motion Blur in After Effects

Composition Settings in After Effects.

So, this leads us to where we are now. With non-linear post-production software, motion blur is as easy as the click of a mouse. We can change the shutter angle to whatever we want, and we can customize the amount of blur for each specific composition or project. If you want to add a bit of a natural feel to your work, motion blur is the way to go. However, there are plenty of times when a cleaner and less-natural look is appropriate as well. So, it’s good that we now easily have the option to disable/enable it.

In After Effects, you’ll find the motion blur settings at the composition level in the advanced tab of your composition settings. There you can change your shutter angle and your shutter phase (a parameter that allows you to change the point in time for the frame that the shutter “opens” — usually best left alone).

For more examples and information on how to add motion blur to your compositions in After Effects, check out this article.

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Earth's rotation causes motion blur in long-exposure photos of the night sky. This diurnal motion leaves star trails in exposures like this one taken at La Silla Observatory.[1]

Motion blur is the apparent streaking of moving objects in a photograph or a sequence of frames, such as a film or animation. It results when the image being recorded changes during the recording of a single exposure, due to rapid movement or long exposure.

  • 1Applications of motion blur

Applications of motion blur[edit]


An example of motion blur showing a London bus passing a telephone box in London
1920s example of motion blur

When a camera creates an image, that image does not represent a single instant of time. Because of technological constraints or artistic requirements, the image may represent the scene over a period of time. Most often this exposure time is brief enough that the image captured by the camera appears to capture an instantaneous moment, but this is not always so, and a fast moving object or a longer exposure time may result in blurring artifacts which make this apparent. As objects in a scene move, an image of that scene must represent an integration of all positions of those objects, as well as the camera's viewpoint, over the period of exposure determined by the shutter speed. In such an image, any object moving with respect to the camera will look blurred or smeared along the direction of relative motion. This smearing may occur on an object that is moving or on a static background if the camera is moving. In a film or television image, this looks natural because the human eye behaves in much the same way.

Because the effect is caused by the relative motion between the camera, and the objects and scene, motion blur may be avoided by panning the camera to track those moving objects. In this case, even with long exposure times, the objects will appear sharper, and the background more blurred.


Two animations rotating around a figure, with motion blur (left) and without

In computer animation this effect must be simulated as a virtual camera actually does capture a discrete moment in time. This simulated motion blur is typically applied when either the camera or objects in the scene move rapidly.

Without this simulated effect each frame shows a perfect instant in time (analogous to a camera with an infinitely fast shutter), with zero motion blur. This is why a video game with a frame rate of 25-30 frames per second will seem staggered, while natural motion filmed at the same frame rate appears rather more continuous. Many modern video games feature motion blur, especially vehicle simulation games.

Some of the better-known games that utilise this are the recent Need for Speed titles, Unreal Tournament III, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, among many others. There are two main methods used in video games to achieve motion blur: cheaper full-screen effects, which typically only take camera movement (and sometimes how fast the camera is moving in 3-D Space to create a radial blur) into mind, and more 'selective' or 'per-object' motion blur, which typically uses a shader to create a velocity buffer to mark motion intensity for a motion blurring effect to be applied to or uses a shader to perform geometry extrusion. Classic 'motion blur' effects prior to modern per-pixel shading pipelines often simply drew successive frames on top of each other with slight transparency, which is strictly speaking a form of video feedback.

In pre-rendered computer animation, such as CGI movies, realistic motion blur can be drawn because the renderer has more time to draw each frame. Temporal anti-aliasing produces frames as a composite of many instants. Frames are not points in time, they are periods of time. If an object makes a trip at a linear speed along a path from 0% to 100% in four time periods, and if those time periods are considered frames, then the object would exhibit motion blur streaks in each frame that are 25% of the path length. If the shutter speed is shortened to less than the duration of a frame, and it may be so shortened as to approach zero time in duration, then the computer animator must choose which portion of the quarter paths (in our 4 frame example) they wish to feature as 'open shutter' times. They may choose to render the beginnings of each frame, in which case they will never see the arrival of the object at the end of the path, or they may choose to render the ends of each frame, in which case they will miss the starting point of the trip. Most computer animations systems make the classic 'fence-post error' in the way they handle time, confusing the periods of time of an animation with the instantaneous moments that delimit them. Thus most computer animation systems will incorrectly place an object on a four frame trip along a path at 0%, 0.33%, 0.66%, and 1.0% and when called upon to render motion blur will have to cut one or more frames short, or look beyond the boundaries of the animation, compromises that real cameras don't do and synthetic cameras needn't do.

Motion Blur Software

Motion lines in cel animation are drawn in the same direction as motion blur and perform much the same duty.Go motion is a variant of stop motion animation that moves the models during the exposure to create a less staggered effect.

Computer graphics[edit]

In 2D computer graphics, motion blur is an artistic filter that converts the digital image[2]/bitmap[3]/raster image in order to simulate the effect.Many graphical software products (e.g. Adobe Photoshop or GIMP) offer simple motion blur filters. However, for advanced motion blur filtering including curves or non-uniform speed adjustment, specialized software products (e.g. VirtualRig Studio) are necessary.[4]


Best Motion Blur Software

When an animal's eye is in motion, the image will suffer from motion blur, resulting in an inability to resolve details. To cope with this, humans generally alternate between saccades (quick eye movements) and fixation (focusing on a single point). Saccadic masking makes motion blur during a saccade invisible. Similarly, smooth pursuit allows the eye to track a target in rapid motion, eliminating motion blur of that target instead of the scene.

Negative effects of motion blur[edit]

A taxicab starting to drive off blurred the faces in the image.

In televised sports, where conventional cameras expose pictures 25 or 30 times per second, motion blur can be inconvenient because it obscures the exact position of a projectile or athlete in slow motion. For this reason special cameras are often used which eliminate motion blurring by taking rapid exposures on the order of 1 millisecond, and then transmitting them over the course of the next 30 to 40 milliseconds. Although this gives sharper slow motion replays it can look strange at normal speed because the eye expects to see motion blurring and is not provided with blurred images.

Conversely, extra motion blur can unavoidably occur on displays when it is not desired. This occurs with some video displays (especially LCD) that exhibits motion blur during fast motion. This can lead to more perceived motion blurring above and beyond the preexisting motion blur in the video material. See display motion blur.

Sometimes, motion blur can be removed from images with the help of deconvolution.

In video games the use or not of motion blur is somewhat controversial.[5] Some gamers claim that the blur actually makes gaming worse since it does blur images, making more difficult to recognize objects, especially in fast-paced moments. This does become noticeable the lower the frame rate is. Improvements in the visual quality of modern post-process motion blur shaders[6] as well as a tendency towards high frame rate video games has lessened the visual detriment of undersampled motion blur effects.

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An example of blurred image restoration with Wiener deconvolution:

From left: original image, blurred image and de-blurred image. Notice some artifacts in the de-blurred image.


  • Motion blur is frequently employed in sports photography (particularly motor sports) to convey a sense of speed. To achieve this effect it is necessary to use a slow shutter speed and pan the lens of the camera in time with the motion of the object

  • Taken aboard an airplane turning above San Jose at night. The city lights form concentric strips.

  • The traffic on this street leaves brilliant streaks due to the low shutter speed of the camera and the cars' relatively fast speed.

  • Strickland Falls in Tasmania, Australia, taken using a neutral density filter. ND filters reduce light of all colors or wavelengths equally, allowing an increase in aperture and decrease in shutter speed without overexposing the image. To create the motion blur seen here, the shutter must be kept open for a relatively long time, making it necessary to reduce the amount of light coming through the lens.

  • Long exposure photograph of moths showing exaggerated rod effect.

See also[edit]

  • Motion lines, a technique found in comics which conveys a sense of motion


  1. ^'Star Rain in the Desert'. European Southern Observatory. Retrieved 26 August 2014.
  2. ^Motion Blur Effect, TutorialsRoom
  3. ^Photoshop - Motion Blur,
  4. ^Traditional motion blur methods,
  5. ^'Motion Blur Headache'. Retrieved 4 December 2012.
  6. ^'A Fast and Stable Feature-Aware Motion Blur Filter'(PDF). Retrieved 17 May 2018.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Motion blur.
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